Black Podcast Listeners Are Growing and Here’s Why They Cant Be Ignored

Nielson has released it’s most recent Seen on Screen 2021 report which revealed what we always have known, people look for content that they can identify and see themselves in. Podcasts are not only one of the fastest rising media platforms, it’s also becoming more and more relevant to audiences of color. So Black listeners are expecting the same representation in audio that they are growing to expect from television and movies. If large audio platforms and companies marketing through audio continue to ignore this audience it won’t only be a cultural misstep, it could be an costly one.
Nielson’s report reveals that podcast popularity is booming among Black audiences. This is mostly because Black viewers are searching for the commentary and community around their favorite visual content. Once that audience goes to audio platforms, they need a reason to stay, and we should give it to them. Why? Black podcast listeners are not just streaming more than other groups, they are responding to brands and advertisements more than any other group as well. We are talking about an audience with a $1T buying power averaging a 73% brand recall for podcast ads. This is partly why ABF Creative creates for this audience, but also help brands make that cultural connection.
Some interesting “can’t be ignored” stats from the study:
- Black men are more likely to listen to podcasts 6-7x per month
- Black men spend 8-10 hours listening to podcasts per week
I’m looking forward to learning even more from Nielson this year, as well as our own studies we’ll be releasing around Black podcast listenership.